Karsten Held, Samuel Gross, 20.01.2022

Where does the data come from?

The web part interacts with SharePoint REST API.

This page explains all endpoints used by the following methods:

  • A) SharePoint API get
  • B) SharePoint API post

A) SharePoint API get requests

Preparing web part

  • To get access to the SharePoint API, SPFX needs the object spHttpClient from the web part context.
    • I.e. the get method is accessable like this: this.context.spHttpClient.get()
    • The context is accessible in the main *.ts file “UrlShortenerWebPart.ts”.
    • Put the context in the web part props: context: this.context, see below.

Example in src/webparts/urlShortener/UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file:

export default class UrlShortenerWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IUrlShortenerWebPartProps> 
    public render(): void {
        const element: React.ReactElement<IUrlShortenerProps> = React.createElement(
                context: this.context,
  • The web part props need to be declared in the interface file “IUrlShortenerWebPartProps.ts”, see below:

Example in IUrlShortenerWebPartProps.ts

import { WebPartContext } from '@microsoft/sp-webpart-base';

export interface IUrlShortenerProps {
    context: WebPartContext;
  • Then you can access the spHttpClient in the UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file within the web part props: this.context.spHttpClient, see below:

Example for API calls

Example function for Typescript-React in UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file:

import { SPHttpClient, ISPHttpClientOptions} from '@microsoft/sp-http';

export default class UrlShortenerWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IUrlShortenerWebPartProps> 
    // function for API call
    private async _spApiGet (url: string): Promise<object> 
        const clientOptions: ISPHttpClientOptions = {
            headers: new Headers(),
            method: 'GET',
            mode: 'cors'
        const response = await this.context.spHttpClient.get(this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl + url, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1, clientOptions);
        const responseJson = await response.json();
        return responseJson;
  • The function is the same in a .tsx file like in the .ts file from above. The only difference is the access to the context. In the .ts file you use this.context. In the .tsx file you use this.props.context.

Example function for Typescript-React in UrlShortener.tsx file:

import { SPHttpClient, ISPHttpClientOptions} from '@microsoft/sp-http';

// main class in UrlShortener.tsx file
export default class SpoUrlShortener extends React.Component<IUrlShortenerProps, {}> 
    // function for API call
    private async _spApiGet (url: string): Promise<object> 
        const clientOptions: ISPHttpClientOptions = {
            headers: new Headers(),
            method: 'GET',
            mode: 'cors'
        const response = await this.props.context.spHttpClient.get(this.props.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl + url, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1, clientOptions);
        const responseJson = await response.json();
        return responseJson;

Call _spApiGet(url) from another function with the parameter “url”:

public async myFunction() {
  const url = "/_api/web/currentuser/isSiteAdmin";
  const response = await this._spApiGet(url);


All endpoints (URLs) use the site URL

  • [SITE_URL] = https://[YOUR_TENANT].sharepoint.com/sites/[YOUR_SITE]
  • Example: https://myTenant.sharepoint.com/sites/mySite
  • For root site: https://myTenant.sharepoint.com

Get current user permissions

  • [SITE_URL]/_api/web/currentuser/isSiteAdmin
  • [SITE_URL]/_api/web/effectiveBasePermissions

Get lists of site

  • [SITE_URL]/_api/web/lists

Get specific list of site

  • [SITE_URL]/_api/web/lists/GetById('[LIST_ID]')

Get items of list

  • [SITE_URL]/_api/web/lists/GetById('[LIST_ID]')/items

Get fields of list

  • [SITE_URL]/_api/web/lists/GetById('[LIST_ID]')/fields

B) SharePoint API post requests

Basic function for API posts

  • Create a function that can be reused for api posts with parameters “url” and “data”.

Example function for Typescript-React in UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file:

import { SPHttpClient, ISPHttpClientOptions} from '@microsoft/sp-http';

export default class UrlShortenerWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IUrlShortenerWebPartProps> 
    private async _spApiPost (url: string, data): Promise<object> 
        const clientOptions: ISPHttpClientOptions = {
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'application/json;odata=nometadata',
                'Content-type': 'application/json;odata=verbose',
                'odata-version': '',
            body: data,
            mode: 'cors'
        const response = await this.context.spHttpClient.post(this.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl + url, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1, clientOptions);
        const responseJson = await response.json();
        return responseJson;
  • The function is the same in a .tsx file like in the .ts file from above. The only difference is the access to the context. In the .ts file you use this.context. In the .tsx file you use this.props.context.

Example function for Typescript-React in UrlShortener.tsx file:

import { SPHttpClient, ISPHttpClientOptions} from '@microsoft/sp-http';

export default class SpoUrlShortener extends React.Component<IUrlShortenerProps, {}> 
    private async _spApiPost (url: string, data): Promise<object> 
        const clientOptions: ISPHttpClientOptions = {
            headers: {
                'Accept': 'application/json;odata=nometadata',
                'Content-type': 'application/json;odata=verbose',
                'odata-version': '',
            body: data,
            mode: 'cors'
        const response = await this.props.context.spHttpClient.post(this.props.context.pageContext.web.absoluteUrl + url, SPHttpClient.configurations.v1, clientOptions);
        const responseJson = await response.json();
        return responseJson;

Create a list

  • Create a list by calling “_spApiPost(url, data)“.
  • url: [SITE_URL]/_api/web/lists
  • The data contains the “type”, “BaseTemplate”, “Description” and the “Title”.

Example function for Typescript-React in UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file:

import { SPHttpClient, ISPHttpClientOptions} from '@microsoft/sp-http';

// main class in UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file
export default class UrlShortenerWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IUrlShortenerWebPartProps> 
    // function to create list
    private async _createList (name:String) 
        const url = '/_api/web/lists';
        const data = JSON.stringify({
            '__metadata': { 'type': "SP.List" },
            "BaseTemplate": 100,
            "Description": "URL lookup list for URL-shortener-web-part",
            "Title": name,
        const response = await this._spApiPost(url, data);
        return response;

Call _createList(name) from another function with the parameter “name”.

public async myFunction() 
    const response = await this._createList ("MyListName");

Create a list field (column)

  • Create a list by calling “_spApiPost(url, data)“.
  • url: [SITE_URL]/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('[YOUR_LIST]')/Fields
  • The data contains the following properties: “type”, “Title”, “StaticName”, “FieldTypeKind”, “Required”, “EnforceUniqueValues”, “Indexed”

Example function for Typescript-React in UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file:

import { SPHttpClient, ISPHttpClientOptions} from '@microsoft/sp-http';

// main class in UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file
export default class UrlShortenerWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IUrlShortenerWebPartProps> 
    // function to create field
    private async _createListField (listName:String, FieldName:String, FieldType:number, EnforceUniqueValues:boolean) 
        const url = `/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('${listName}')/Fields`;
        const data = JSON.stringify({
            '__metadata': { 'type': "SP.Field" },
            "Title": FieldName,
            "StaticName": FieldName,
            "FieldTypeKind": FieldType,
            "Required": "true",
            "EnforceUniqueValues": EnforceUniqueValues,
            "Indexed": EnforceUniqueValues,
        return await this._spApiPost(url, data);

Call _createListField(listName, FieldName, FieldType, EnforceUniqueValues) from another function with the parameters.

public async myFunction() 
    const response = await this._createListField("MyListName", "Key", 2, true);

Add field to view

  • Create a list by calling “_spApiPost(url, data)“.
  • url: [SITE_URL]/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('[YOUR_LIST]')/Views/GetByTitle('All%20Items')/ViewFields/addViewField('[YOUR_FIELD]')
  • The data is empty.

Example function for Typescript-React in UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file:

import { SPHttpClient, ISPHttpClientOptions} from '@microsoft/sp-http';

// main class in UrlShortenerWebPart.ts file
export default class UrlShortenerWebPart extends BaseClientSideWebPart<IUrlShortenerWebPartProps> 
    // function to add field to default view
    private async _addFieldToView (listName:String, FieldName:String) 
        // add Field to view
        const url = `/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('${listName}')/Views/GetByTitle('All%20Items')/ViewFields/addViewField('${FieldName}')`;
        const response = await this._spApiPost(url, "");
        return response;

Call _addFieldToView(listName, FieldName) from another function with the parameters.

public async myFunction() 
    const response = await this._addFieldToView ("MyListName", "MyFieldName");

Create a list item

  • Create a list item by calling “_spApiPost(url, data)“.
  • “url”: 7_api/web/lists/GetById('[LIST_ID]')/items
  • “data” contains the following properties: “type”, “Title”, “Key”, “Url”.
  • Get the type of the list by api call: this._spApiGet(url)
  • with url: /_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('${[LIST_NAME]}')?$select=ListItemEntityTypeFullName
  • “Title” and “Key” are in our case the same: the Id of the shortened URL.
  • “Url” is in our case the target URL.

Example function for Typescript-React in UrlShortener.tsx file:

import { SPHttpClient, ISPHttpClientOptions} from '@microsoft/sp-http';

// main class in UrlShortener.tsx file
export default class SpoUrlShortener extends React.Component<IUrlShortenerProps, {}> 
    // function to create list item
    private async _createListItem (listName:String, key:String, inputUrl:String) 
        // get list type
        let getListResponse = await this._spApiGet(`/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('${listName}')?$select=ListItemEntityTypeFullName`); 
        let type = getListResponse["ListItemEntityTypeFullName"];
        // post list item
        const url = `/_api/web/lists/GetByTitle('${listName}')/items`;
        const data = JSON.stringify({
            '__metadata': { 'type': type },
            "Title": key,
            "Key": key,/* 
                '__metadata': { 'type': 'SP.FieldUrlValue' },
                'Url': inputUrl,
            }, */
        return await this._spApiPost(url, data);

Call _createListItem(listName, type, key, inputUrl) from another function with the parameters.

public async componentDidMount() 
    const response = await this._createListItem("MyListName", "123abc", "https://google.com");